Admins may be unable to view detonation details within the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 email entity page

Title: Admins may be unable to view detonation details within the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 email entity page
User impact: Admins may be unable to view detonation details within the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 email entity page.
Current status: The restart of the processing app responsible for this feature is proceeding as expected, and some admins may begin to see detonation details as the queued requests in the backlog are processed. We’ll provide insight into the progress of this restart, as well as our investigation into the root cause of this issue, by our next scheduled update.
Scope of impact: This issue may affect any admin who uses the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 email entity page to view detonation details.
Next update by: Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 4:30 AM UTC


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