Some admins are unable to access multiple features within Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Purview

Title: Some admins are unable to access multiple features within Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Purview
User impact: Admins are unable to access multiple features within Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Purview.
More info: Impacted features within the Microsoft 365 Defender portal and/or Microsoft Purview portal include but may not be limited to Quarantine, Explorer, and Alerts.
Current status: We’ve received reports from admins encountering issues when accessing multiple features in Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Purview portals. We’re reviewing incident details and HTTP Archive format (HAR) logs to isolate the source of impact and determine our next troubleshooting steps.
Scope of impact: Some admins attempting to use certain features within the Microsoft 365 Defender portal or Microsoft Purview portal may be impacted.
Next update by: Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 3:30 AM UTC


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