Some admins are unable to access multiple features within Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Purview

Title: Some admins are unable to access multiple features within Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Purview
User impact: Admins were unable to access multiple features within Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Purview.
More info: Impacted features within the Microsoft 365 Defender portal and/or Microsoft Purview portal included but may have not been limited to Quarantine, Explorer, and Alerts.
Final status: We discovered a recent configuration change that was implemented to support a new feature contained compatibility issues, leading to impact. We reverted this change to restore service. After a period of monitoring, and previously affected customer feedback, we’ve confirmed impact was remediated.
Scope of impact: Some admins attempting to use certain features within the Microsoft 365 Defender portal or Microsoft Purview portal may have been impacted.
Start time: Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 9:00 PM UTC
End time: Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 4:15 AM UTC
Root cause: A recent configuration change that was implemented to support a new feature contained compatibility issues, leading to impact.
Next steps:
– To help prevent similar impact in the future, we’re further reviewing the underlying cause of the compatibility issue within the configuration change.
This is the final update for the event.


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