Title: Admins may be unable to access the Azure Blob Storage application
User impact: Admins may have been unable to access the Azure Blob Storage application.
More info: To temporarily mitigate impact while we worked to fully resolve the issue, admins could have disabled the App Discovery Policy that unsanctions applications with risk score of zero, as well as remove the “unsanctioned” flag from the Azure Blob Storage application.
Final status: We’ve received confirmation from some affected admins that the Azure Blob Storage application is accessible as expected, and impact is remediated.
Scope of impact: Admins within organizations that had MDE integration and an App Discovery Policy to unsanction any application that has a zero-risk score may have been unable to access the Azure Blob Storage application.
Start time: Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 12:00 PM UTC
End time: Thursday, October 12, 2023, at 7:00 PM UTC
Root cause: A recent catalog deployment caused security score attribution issues for the app, which blocked access to the application’s domains and resulted in impact.
Next steps:
– We’re assessing the criteria by which we validate catalog deployments so we can ensure similar score attribution issues aren’t introduced in future updates.
This is the final update for the event.