Admins may be unable to sync apps from the SharePoint Online app catalog to Microsoft Teams

Title: Admins may be unable to sync apps from the SharePoint Online app catalog to Microsoft Teams
User impact: Admins may be unable to sync apps from the SharePoint Online app catalog to Microsoft Teams.
Current status: Deployment of the fix is taking slightly longer than expected, but has reached approximately 90 percent saturation. We now expect that the deployment will be complete by our next scheduled update, at which time we’ll test to ensure the impact is remediated.

Scope of impact: Impact may occur for some admins that can’t sync apps from the SharePoint Online app catalog to Microsoft Teams.

Start time: Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 12:00 AM UTC

Estimated time to resolve: We anticipate that the deployment of the fix will be complete, remediating impact by Thursday, October 26, 2023, at 6:30 PM UTC.

Root cause: A recent change, intended to update a portion of Microsoft Teams version syncing infrastructure, is resulting in a syncing issue for the SharePoint Online app catalog to Microsoft Teams.

Next update by: Thursday, October 26, 2023, at 6:30 PM UTC


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