In Microsoft Teams, configuring meeting options for events like webinars and townhalls required users to be taken to a web page after the event had been created. In order to optimize the user experience, we will now allow users to configure meeting options within the Teams app before event creation. This will provide users with more flexibility.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 373420
[When this will happen:]
Targeted release: We will begin rolling out early February 2024 and expect to complete by mid-February 2024.
Standard Release and GCC: We will begin rolling out mid-February 2024 and expect to complete by late February 2024.
[How this will affect your organization:]
Webinar and townhall organizers will no longer be sent to a web page to edit their event’s meeting options. The meeting options will now show up as an inline window within the scheduling form. This will occur for both the create and edit experiences.
[What you need to do to prepare:]
There is no action needed to prepare for this change. You may want to notify your users about this change and update any relevant documentation as appropriate.