Microsoft Teams: Automatic tags (@mentions) by department and job title

With automatic tags, your frontline workers can reach each other by department or job title in Microsoft Teams channel conversations. Anyone on the team can use the tags in @mentions to notify the people who are associated with the tag.

Your frontline can quickly and easily reach the right groups of people. Because the tags are automatically created based on your mapped attribute values, team owners do not have to manually create and assign tags or manage them locally.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 365845

[When this will happen:]

Targeted release: We will begin rolling out mid-February 2024 and expect to complete by late February 2024.

Standard Release: We will begin rolling out late February 2024 and expect to complete by late March 2024.

[How this will affect your organization:]

Automatic tags will be available in teams where attribute mapping is done and where automatic tags are enabled at the team level by the team owner.

With automatic tags, end users can mention others by job title and department directly within the team.

[What you need to do to prepare:]

In order for your end users to use automatic tags and mention others by job title or department, admins must map attributes in Teams Admin Center, and 

team owners must enable automatic tags in the Teams settings tab. 


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