Some users may be intermittently unable to search for messages within Outlook on the web

Title: Some users may be intermittently unable to search for messages within Outlook on the web
User impact: Users may be intermittently unable to search for messages within Outlook on the web.
More info: Affected users may intermittently encounter an error message saying “Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.”

Current status: We’ve determined a latent configuration issue is causing a subset of infrastructure that facilitates search functionality to intermittently perform below our managed service threshold during periods of planned service updates. Since there aren’t corresponding service updates occurring presently, we expect the impact is no longer occurring. However, we’re developing a targeted fix for this configuration to prevent the issue from reoccurring, and we’ll provide an estimated deployment timeline when one becomes available.

Scope of impact: Some users searching within Outlook on the web may be intermittently impacted.

Root cause: A latent configuration issue is causing a subset of infrastructure that facilitates search functionality to intermittently perform below our managed service threshold during periods of planned service updates, which is resulting in impact.

Next update by: Monday, February 5, 2024, at 6:00 PM UTC


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