Some users may see failures when evoking a chat bot from any Microsoft Teams app

Title: Some users may see failures when evoking a chat bot from any Microsoft Teams app
User impact: Users may have seen failures with evoking a chat bot from any Microsoft Teams app.
More info: This issue only affected some federated users in both EDU and Enterprise environments.
Final status: We’ve received validation from affected users that the reversion process was successful, remediating impact.
Scope of impact: This issue impacted some federated EDU and enterprise users when they evoked any chat bot from any Microsoft Teams app that utilizes the chat bot feature.
Start time: Thursday, January 25, 2024, at 2:39 AM UTC
End time: Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at 5:00 PM UTC
Root cause: A recent code change contained within a regularly scheduled update intended to improve the Microsoft Teams service was causing failures for some users when evoking a chat bot from any Microsoft Teams app.
Next steps:
– To help prevent similar impact in the future, we’re investigating why the change introduced a code conflict and how we can improve our validation procedures to catch such issues before changes are made.
This is the final update for the event.


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