Admins may be unable to render portions of the Microsoft 365 admin center

Title: Admins may be unable to render portions of the Microsoft 365 admin center
User impact: Admins may have been unable to render portions of the Microsoft 365 admin center.
More info: Although admins may have been able to access the Microsoft 365 admin center, they may have seen that individual sections, such as the navigation menu to access service-specific admin centers, were blank or not functional.
Final status: Our investigation determined a subset of service infrastructure that facilitates render portions wasn’t processing traffic efficiently, which caused impact. After confirming with some affected admins, as well as monitoring telemetry, we’ve confirmed that our efforts to rebalance traffic has successfully remediated impact.
Scope of impact: This issue may have affected any admin accessing the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Start time: Wednesday, February 14, 2024, at 9:00 PM UTC
End time: Wednesday, February 14, 2024, at 11:50 PM UTC
Root cause: A subset of service infrastructure that facilitates render portions wasn’t processing traffic efficiently, which caused impact
Next steps:
– We’re continuing to investigate why the affected section of infrastructure wasn’t performing as efficiently as expected to ensure issues like this are not replicated.
This is the final update for the event.


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