Some users may be unable to use spell checker in the new Microsoft Teams

Title: Some users may be unable to use spell checker in the new Microsoft Teams
User impact: Users may be unable to use spell check in the new Microsoft Teams.
More info: As a workaround, affected users may be able use the following steps to clear their cache:
– Close and quit the new Microsoft Teams application
– Delete the folder: %localappdata%\packages\msteams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams
– Start the new Microsoft Teams application
Current status: Our deployment operation is progressing more slowly than expected, but has saturated approximately 75 percent of the impacted service area. We’re continuing to monitor the deployment of the fix to ensure it completes as expected, and we’ll provide a new timeline to full deployment and remediation as it becomes available. Some users may experience early relief as the fix saturates their environment.
Scope of impact: Some users attempting to use spell check in the new Microsoft Teams may be impacted.
Start time: Wednesday, January 10, 2024, at 6:26 PM UTC
Root cause: A recent service update to improve the right click menu for spelling errors to display suggestions that would be relevant to the current language Microsoft Teams is in includes a code regression.
Next update by: Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at 1:30 AM UTC


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