Title: Some users can’t create new Microsoft OneNote notebooks in office.com and microsoft365.com
User impact: Users couldn’t create new Microsoft OneNote notebooks in office.com and microsoft365.com.
More info: Users that had access to OneNote.com could have used this site to successfully create notebooks and bypass this issue during the period of impact.
Final status: We’ve completed the deployment of our code fix throughout the affected environments and confirmed that impact is resolved.
Scope of impact: Some users attempting to create new notebooks in office.com and microsoft365.com were impacted.
Start time: Friday, March 1, 2024, at 12:00 AM UTC
End time: Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 2:00 AM UTC
Root cause: A compatibility issue between back-end coding was preventing users from creating new notebooks in office.com and microsoft365.com.
Next steps:
– We’re continuing to look into the cause of the underlying compatibility issue to understand how to better prevent similar impact in the future.
This is the final update for the event.
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