Title: Admins were unable to access some content in the disposition section of Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle Management
User impact: Admins may have been unable to access some content in the disposition section of Data Lifecycle Management.
More info: Admins may have seen a “no data available” error when trying to access any contents that was stamped with a specific review label in the disposition section of the Records Management solution from Data Lifecycle Management.
Final status: We’ve determined that a code deployment caused a regression within the disposition functionality. We’ve reverted the code deployment and confirmed that impact has been remediated.
Scope of impact: Any admin may have seen this issue occurring when accessing content stamped with a specific review label in the disposition section of Data Lifecycle Management.
Start time: Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 5:00 PM UTC
End time: Friday, March 8, 2024, at 3:00 AM UTC
Root cause: A code deployment caused a regression within the disposition functionality.
Next steps:
– We’re reviewing our update procedures to better identify similar issues during our development and testing cycles.
This is the final update for the event.