Some users may be unable to publish or edit existing third-party workflows within SharePoint Online

Title: Some users may be unable to publish or edit existing third-party workflows within SharePoint Online
User impact: Users may be unable to publish or edit existing third-party workflows within SharePoint Online.
More info: This event impacts some users attempting to publish or edit existing workflows who utilize the Nintex workflow and are located within any of the following regions:
-United Kingdom

Current status: We’ve developed and have applied service optimizations to restore the impacting portion of service infrastructure to expected functionality and we’re monitoring the queue as it drains to ensure successful remediation. As the queue drains, some users may experience alleviation.

Scope of impact: Some users serviced through the affected service infrastructure may be unable to publish or edit existing third-party workflows within SharePoint Online.

Root cause: A portion of the SharePoint Online service infrastructure has entered an unhealthy state, resulting in impact.

Next update by: Friday, March 22, 2024, at 9:00 PM UTC


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