Some users may be unable to publish or edit existing third-party workflows within SharePoint Online

Title: Some users may be unable to publish or edit existing third-party workflows within SharePoint Online
User impact: Users may have been unable to publish or edit existing third-party workflows within SharePoint Online.
More info: This event impacted some users who attempted to publish or edit existing workflows and utilized the Nintex workflow while being located within any of the following regions:
-United Kingdom

Final status: We confirmed through observation of service telemetry that the remaining queued objects have been processed and the issue is fully resolved.

Scope of impact: Some users serviced through the affected service infrastructure may have been unable to publish or edit existing third-party workflows within SharePoint Online.

Start time: Thursday, February 22, 2024, at 12:00 PM UTC

End time: Saturday, March 23, 2024, at 5:55 PM UTC

Root cause: A portion of the SharePoint Online service infrastructure had entered an unhealthy state, which resulted in impact.

Next steps:
– We’re continuing to assess the affected portion of the SharePoint Online service infrastructure to understand how it came to be in an unhealthy state so we can prevent similar issues in the future.

This is the final update for this event.


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