Users may be unable to access their Intune managed devices if a “UserRights” policy is deployed to their device

Title: Users may be unable to access their Intune managed devices if a “UserRights” policy is deployed to their device
User impact: Users may be unable to access their Intune managed devices if a “UserRights” policy is deployed to their device.
More info: Users may notice that their devices may be inaccessible if the admin deploys the 23H2 version of Windows Security baseline security policies within Microsoft Intune. English OS devices are not impacted by this event. This issue only affects non-English OS devices.
Further details regarding “UserRights” security policies can be found here:
Current status: During the course of our deployment process, we encountered an unexpected issue which has halted progress for our mitigation. We are addressing the delays and we expect deployment to be restarted by our next update.
Scope of impact: This issue could impact any of your users’ ability to access their Microsoft Intune managed devices if a “UserRights” security policy has been deployed to their device.
Start time: Monday, April 1, 2023, at 12:00 AM UTC
Root cause: A recent update introduced an additional set of “UserRights” security policies that can be configured for your users’ devices. When configuring these policies, the pre-loaded recommended values are not localized to non-English OS devices. If deployed this could potentially cause users to be unable to access their Microsoft Intune managed devices.
Next update by: Friday, April 12, 2024, at 11:00 PM UTC


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