Some users’ Microsoft Teams presence information was displayed incorrectly

Title: Some users’ Microsoft Teams presence information was displayed incorrectly
User impact: Users’ Microsoft Teams presence information was displayed incorrectly.
More info: Impact was specific to some users who were utilizing presence-related Microsoft Teams certified applications.
Final status: We’ve identified that a recent scheduled service update contained a change intended to optimize presence-related data flow, which was unexpectedly causing impact. We reverted the offending change, and confirmed following a period monitoring the service environment, that impact to end users has been remediated.
Scope of impact: Impact was specific to some users who were utilizing presence-related Microsoft Teams certified applications, who were served through the affected infrastructure.
Start time: Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 10:11 PM UTC
End time: Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at 9:50 AM UTC
Root cause: A recent scheduled service update contained a change intended to optimize presence-related data flow, which was unexpectedly causing impact.
Next steps:
– We’re reviewing our scheduled presence-related service updates for similar issues, to reduce or avoid similar impact in the future.
This is the final update for the event.


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