Updated April 19, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
Similar to other channels in a team, now you will be able to hide general channels as well!
As a team member, when you become a part of a team, you see general channel always shown in your teams and channels list. Sometimes, even though the channel is not used, you still have it sticking in your teams and channels list. Introducing the capability for you to hide general channel, like any other channel in the team. Note, if general is the last channel in the team, then the team will get hidden as well.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 324840
[When this will happen:]
Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early February 2024 and expect to complete by mid-February 2024.
General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High and DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-February 2024 and expect to complete by late April 2024 (previously early April).
[How this will affect your organization:]
If general channel is hidden by the user, the channel will no longer show in their teams and channels list. They will still be able to show the channel by going to the hidden channels in the teams and channels list or manage teams > channels tab > selecting “show for me”.
[What you need to do to prepare:]
You may consider updating your training and documentation as appropriate.