Title: Some users may be unable to receive calls routed through an Auto attendant in Microsoft Teams
User impact: Users may have been unable to receive calls routed through an Auto attendant in Microsoft Teams.
Final status: Our investigation has determined that a recent update to the Microsoft Teams data pathways responsible for routing calls through Auto attendants introduced a code error that prevented the calls from connecting to recipients as expected, resulting in impact. We’ve reverted the update to repair this error, and our service health telemetry confirms that this action has restored the affected Auto attendant functionality and impact is remediated.
Scope of impact: Some users that receive calls through an Auto attendant in Microsoft Teams were impacted.
Start time: Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 6:00 PM UTC
End time: Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 7:25 PM UTC
Root cause: A recent update to the Microsoft Teams data pathways responsible for routing calls through Auto attendants introduced a code error that prevented the calls from connecting to recipients as expected, resulting in impact.
Next steps:
– We’re reviewing our Microsoft Teams service update procedures pertaining to the data pathways used to route calls through Auto attendants to prevent similar impact in future updates.
This is the final update for the event.