Title: Admins may see Microsoft 365 admin center Service health posts with HTML in the message rendered as raw HTML
User impact: Admins may see Microsoft 365 admin center Service health posts with HTML in the message rendered as raw HTML.
More info: The issue may be seen within the communication’s Description field.
Current status: We’re proceeding with our efforts to test and validate the efficacy of the fix. Once validation is complete, we’ll deploy this fix to the affected environment.
Scope of impact: Impact may occur for all admins viewing Service health posts that include HTML in the Description field within the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Start time: Thursday, April 11, 2024, at 11:06 PM UTC
Root cause: A recent code update intended to enhance the functionality of the Service health dashboard details panel introduced an issue that’s resulting in impact.
Next update by: Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 2:00 AM UTC
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