Title: Some users may see a stale profile or unknown user for federated users in external chats and calls in Microsoft Teams
User impact: Users may see a stale profile or unknown user for federated users in external chats and calls in Microsoft Teams.
More info: Impacted users may see the issue occurring for federated users in chats, calls, channels, and any other service feature that shows federated users. Impact occurs in all Microsoft Teams clients.
Current status: Deployment of the fix has completed, and initial telemetry insights indicate that the fix is taking effect as expected. To ensure that this positive trend continues and impact is fully remediated, we’re conducting a prolonged period of service health monitoring, which we expect to carry into the upcoming business week starting on May 6, 2024.
Scope of impact: Some users interacting with federated users from any Microsoft Teams client may be impacted.
Start time: Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at 11:00 AM UTC
Root cause: An imbalance of service load on a portion of infrastructure responsible for populating federated users’ data and information in Microsoft Teams is resulting in impact.
Next update by: Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 12:00 AM UTC