Title: Users aren’t receiving or receive delayed automatic acceptance email for meetings scheduled with conference rooms
User impact: Users’ automatic acceptance email for meetings scheduled with conference rooms may be delayed or fail to send.
More info: This issue may affect some room resource mailboxes and it prevents users from receiving the automated email responses in a timely manner within any Exchange Online connection method.
Current status: We’ve initiated the deployment of our performance optimizations and confirmed that the deployment has reached 40 percent to completion. We anticipate that the deployment will take another 4 hours to complete; however, we expect that there will be some lingering tasks from the backlogged requests that may take another 1 to 2 days to process through and fully resolve this problem.
Scope of impact: This issue may affect some users expecting to receive automatic acceptance email responses for meetings scheduled with some conference rooms.
Root cause: A subset of Exchange Online mailbox infrastructure dropped below our manageable service performance thresholds, resulting in impact.
Next update by: Friday, May 3, 2024, at 11:30 AM UTC