Title: Users aren’t receiving or receive delayed automatic acceptance email for meetings scheduled with conference rooms
User impact: Users’ automatic acceptance email for meetings scheduled with conference rooms may be delayed or fail to send.
More info: This issue may affect some room resource mailboxes and it prevents users from receiving the automated email responses in a timely manner within any Exchange Online connection method.
Current status: We’ve confirmed that the deployment of our performance optimizations has reached 97 percent. Once the deployment is fully completed, we’ll begin processing the aforementioned lingering tasks from the backlogged data and anticipate its completion by our next scheduled update.
Scope of impact: This issue may affect some users expecting to receive automatic acceptance email responses for meetings scheduled with some conference rooms.
Root cause: A subset of Exchange Online mailbox infrastructure dropped below our manageable service performance thresholds, resulting in impact.
Next update by: Monday, May 6, 2024, at 11:30 AM UTC
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