What’s new in FLW shared devices

What’s new in FLW shared devices

The latest enhancements in Shared Device Mode (SDM) by Microsoft bring exciting new features designed to improve the experience for frontline workers. One significant change is the suppression of Teams First Run Experience (FRE) on Android and iOS devices in Shared Device Mode. This update reduces the number of clicks needed for frontline workers to access Teams, allowing them to focus on their tasks more efficiently. To benefit from this update, users need to update their Teams version to 2024152402 on Android and 2024121301 on iOS.

Moreover, Microsoft has made SDM support available for more apps, including the unified M365 app and Outlook app on Android. This expansion enables frontline workers to access essential Microsoft tools seamlessly. The refreshed Shared Device documentation provides clearer guidance for users, ensuring they have the latest information and best practices for utilizing Shared Device Mode effectively.

These updates reflect Microsoft’s commitment to empowering frontline workers with the best tools and experiences. As Microsoft continues to enhance FLW shared devices, users can expect more updates and improvements in the future. Stay tuned for further enhancements that will positively impact daily operations and productivity for frontline workers.

Source: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-blog/what-s-new-in-flw-shared-devices/ba-p/4253091


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