Less burnout, more impact: AI continues to transform frontline efficiency

Less burnout, more impact: AI continues to transform frontline efficiency

Frontline workers are crucial for every organization. They handle various tasks like stocking, running machines, organizing stores, and assisting customers. It is important to support them with better technology, as they often face work-related stress. Today, we are excited to introduce new innovations aimed at easing their workload and providing them with smart tools to excel.

Our solutions focus on three key areas:

1. Enhancing efficiency with AI: Frontline workers have valuable information at their disposal, but sometimes it can be challenging to access. With AI, finding information becomes easier and more effective.

2. Promoting engagement: Frontline workers often feel disconnected from the larger corporate mission and their colleagues. To address this, we are continuously improving our platform to facilitate easy and intuitive connections.

3. Ensuring device security: Each frontline workforce has unique needs. Our goal is to provide the right tools to secure data, regardless of the worker profile, device type, or organization size.

One of our innovative tools, Copilot, has been widely adopted by Fortune 500 companies and is designed to provide frontline workers with quick access to information using AI.

For example, Amey, a leading solutions provider in the UK, uses SharePoint agents to enable their employees to quickly find information about health

Source: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-blog/less-burnout-more-impact-ai-continues-to-transform-frontline/ba-p/4364123


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