The Microsoft 365 Community Conference is the place to learn and grow your skills in Microsoft 365 and AI. With over 160 product leaders and 200 sessions, including keynotes and demos, you’ll get all the latest content to help you excel in your work.
In the Teams Track, you’ll discover advancements in Teams Rooms, Teams Premium, Teams Phone, and Microsoft 365 Copilot. Learn how Teams can improve your workflows, collaboration, and IT operations. You can save $150 on registration with the code TEAMS150.
Speakers like Lan Ye, Manik Gupta, and Mark Swift will share insights on collaboration, communication, and customization capabilities in Teams. Sessions cover topics like optimizing Teams Phone, enhancing virtual desktop experiences, and maximizing collaboration with AI.
If you want to dive deep into Microsoft Teams and explore new tools for IT admins and secure digital events, don’t miss out on this conference. Visit the Teams Track page to learn more and register for this ultimate Microsoft 365 event.