Tags management settings now include option to exclude / include guests

We are introducing guest setting option in Tag management settings.  

[When this will happen:]

Standard Release: We will begin rolling out early December 2023 and expect to complete by mid-December 2023.

[How this will affect your organization:]

In addition to the existing settings:

  1. “Microsoft default”
  2. “Team owners only”
  3. “Team owners and members”

We are adding another option in the settings:

      4. “Team owners, members and guests”

[What you need to do to prepare:]

If you do not wish for guests to be able to manage tags, no action is needed.

If you wish to allow guests to manage tags, as tenant Admin, please change your tag management settings to your “Team owners, members and guests” option setting.

Here are the steps you can take:

  1. Sign into Microsoft Teams admin center at https://admin.teams.microsoft.com if you are a Teams admin.
  2. In the left navigation pane under Teams section, select Teams settings.
  3. Under Tagging section, select “Team owners, members and guests” option for “Who can manage tags.”


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