Title: A pop up window may have appeared when clicking on the End-user Spam Notification (ESN) “Release” button in Outlook
User impact: Users may have encountered a pop up window when clicking on the ESN “Release” button in Outlook.
More info: Users may have observed a window which prompted them to ‘Select a certificate’. To circumvent the issue, users were able to click the ‘Cancel’ button on the window.
Final status: We’ve confirmed the deployment to revert the offending TLS update has completed and impact has been remediated after a period of monitoring.
Scope of impact: Impact was specific to any user who was served through the affected infrastructure, and attempted to utilize the ESN “Release” button in Outlook.
Start time: Tuesday, December 26, 2023, at 12:00 AM UTC
End time: Friday, January 12, 2024, at 6:41 AM UTC
Root cause: A recent TLS update applied to a section of service network infrastructure, responsible for regulating authentication-related pop up notifications, unexpectedly caused impact.
Next steps:
– We’re reviewing our TLS update procedures and the circumstances that lead to impact, so that we can identify next steps that’ll help us further improve the reliability and resiliency of our service.
This is the final update for the event.