Title: Users can’t join teams using code generated by the Join by Code feature from the new Microsoft Teams desktop version
User impact: Users couldn’t join teams using code generated by the Join by Code feature from the new Microsoft Teams desktop version.
More info: This issue only affected those who have a Microsoft 365 Education license. Team owners may have been prompted to regenerate Join by Code codes in two scenarios: when users started a new session, i.e. log out and log back in, and when a team had more than one owner and the code generated by one owner was not available to the other owner/owners. In both scenarios, the original code would’ve still functioned as expected unless a new code was generated. When a new code was generated, any old code would no longer work; however, the new code would’ve worked but wouldn’t persist across user sessions/team owners.
Final status: We’ve confirmed that the fix deployment has successfully completed and remediated all impact.
Scope of impact: Any Microsoft Team desktop user with a Microsoft 365 Education license who attempted to copy a Join code for a team which already has a code generated might have faced this issue, prompting them to regenerate a new code.
Start time: Wednesday, November 15, 2023, at 12:00 PM UTC
End time: Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 1:00 PM UTC
Root cause: A feature update caused the Join by Code feature in the new Microsoft Teams desktop version to not operate as expected.
Next steps:
– We’re reviewing this feature update to understand why it caused the impact and prevent similar impact from reoccurring in the future.
This is the final update for the event.
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