Title: Some admins may see missing data for Exchange SIT files in the Microsoft Purview content explorer
User impact: Admins may have seen missing data for Exchange Sensitive Information Type (SIT) files in the content explorer.
Final status: We’ve validated with internal telemetry that the deployment was successful, and the impact is remediated for all previously impacted admins.
Scope of impact: Some admins that used content explorer in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal to review Exchange files related to SITs may have been impacted.
Start time: Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 1:13 PM UTC
End time: Thursday, April 11, 2024, at 8:55 AM UTC
Root cause: A configuration issue on a portion of infrastructure was preventing accurate data from populating when some admins viewed Exchange SIT files in the Microsoft Purview content explorer from the compliance portal.
Next steps:
– We’re further investigating the portion of infrastructure to understand how the configuration issue was introduced, and to help prevent similar issues from reoccurring.
This is the final update for the event.
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