Title: Some users’ quarantine notifications aren’t being received in their configured mailbox language in Exchange Online
User impact: Users’ quarantine notifications aren’t being received in their configured mailbox language in Exchange Online.
More info: Affected users may incorrectly see that all quarantine notifications are being received in English when their mailbox has a different language configured.
Current status: The deployment process for the fix is in its final stages. We’re continuing to monitor as the operation approaches completion, and we’ll provide a timeline to remediation as it becomes available.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to some users with quarantine notifications enabled who are served through the affected infrastructure.
Start time: Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 1:00 PM UTC
Root cause: A recent service update to the code base responsible for identifying the user’s language when sending quarantine notifications introduced a code regression that’s leading to impact.
Next update by: Friday, April 12, 2024, at 7:00 PM UTC