Unlock Proactive Defense: Microsoft Security Exposure Management Now Generally Available

Unlock Proactive Defense: Microsoft Security Exposure Management Now Generally Available

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, defenders are faced with a challenge of fragmented security tools that do not provide a holistic view of threats. Thinking in graphs has become essential to break down silos and visualize relationships between assets, vulnerabilities, and threats. This approach helps in proactive risk management and strengthening defense against attackers.

Traditional vulnerability management is no longer effective, and exposure management focusing on prioritizing vulnerabilities that present the greatest risk is the new approach. Microsoft Security Exposure Management was launched earlier this year, providing foundational capabilities for exposure management based on extensive threat research and Microsoft’s security visibility.

This includes Attack Surface Management, Attack Path Analysis, and Unified Exposure Insights, offering security teams unmatched visibility and insights into their risk landscape. Attack Surface Management provides a full view of an organization’s attack surface, identifying critical assets and prioritizing protection efforts. Attack Path Analysis goes further by visualizing high-risk attack paths and guiding effective remediation strategies. Unified Exposure Insights provide decision-makers with a clear view of an organization’s threat exposure, supporting proactive risk management.

The public preview of Microsoft Security Exposure Management revealed the need for enhancing organizational maturity and processes to foster a proactive security mindset. Features and user experience have been strategically enhanced based on real-world feedback. Organizations have created new roles like

Source: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/security-compliance-and-identity/unlock-proactive-defense-microsoft-security-exposure-management/ba-p/4303219


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