Built-in security controls for external-facing apps

Built-in security controls for external-facing apps

Microsoft recently released Microsoft Entra External ID, a next-gen CIAM solution for organizations to improve consumer experience and security. The focus is now on the security aspect, with built-in security controls to protect against cyber threats. The core protections include brute force protection, account protection, and access control. The platform also defends against DDoS attacks and password spray attacks by default. Conditional Access allows for customizing security policies, including multifactor authentication, to further enhance security. In the future, Microsoft plans to release a blog series on advanced security features like Web Application Firewall and sign-up fraud protection. Start building secure apps with Microsoft Entra External ID today.

Source: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-blog/built-in-security-controls-for-external-facing-apps/ba-p/4175879


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