Diagnose Safe/Blocked Senders Issues in Microsoft 365

Diagnose Safe/Blocked Senders Issues in Microsoft 365

Introducing a New Tool for Managing Safe and Blocked Senders in Microsoft 365

If you’re an administrator dealing with issues related to safe and blocked sender lists in Microsoft 365, you’ll be pleased to learn about our new diagnostic tool. This tool is designed to help you address and explain issues independently, without having to contact support.

Safe and blocked sender lists are essential features provided by Exchange Online Protection (EOP) and Microsoft Defender for Office 365. Users can manage these lists at the mailbox level to ensure they receive emails from trusted senders and block unwanted emails.

How Safelist Collections Work:

When a message is received, Exchange hashes the sender’s email address and compares it to the hashes stored in the recipient’s mailbox. If a match is found in the safe senders list, the message is allowed; if it matches the blocked senders list, the message is blocked.

Using the New Tool:

Our Mailbox Safe/Block List Diagnostic tool requires the recipient’s email address, sender’s email address, or sender’s domain. It provides detailed information about whether a sender is listed in the trusted or blocked senders list, powered by the Get-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration PowerShell cmdlet.

This tool can help you:

Source: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-blog/diagnose-safe-blocked-senders-issues-in-microsoft-365/ba-p/4373924


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