With a newly added search bar, you may now search your local contact list in Outlook mobile by typing the name of a contact. This message is associated with Microsoft…
As mentioned in MC579608, later this year, we expect macOS 14 Sonoma to be released by Apple. Microsoft Intune, the Company Portal app and the Intune MDM agent will be…
Updated August 9, 2023: We have updated the content to show as intended. Thank you for your patience.Microsoft Clipchamp is launching for Microsoft 365 commercial accounts. You are receiving this…
Updated August 9, 2023: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.Service side auto-labeling will support scoping of OneDrive workload to OneDrive users and groups instead…
Updated August 9, 2023: We have updated the content below with additional information. Thank you for your patience.We will not be rolling this feature to customers in GCC at this…
Outlook for iOS is supported on the two most recent versions of iOS. When a new version of iOS is released, Outlook’s Operating System requirement becomes the two most recent…
We are happy to announce about Microsoft Secure Score new integration with Microsoft 365 Defender Unified Role-based Access Control (RBAC) permissions model. Previously, only Azure Active Directory global roles (such…
As an admin, you use policies to control Microsoft Teams features that are available to users in your organization. To easily manage different types of user needs, Teams provides group…
We are pleased to announce that Microsoft Search Answer Analytics will soon be available in the Microsoft 365 Search & Intelligence Admin Center.This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap…
We have a minor service update planned for your Microsoft Dynamics 365 environment in the GBR region. Station 3: Maintenance window start: 26 August 2023, 18:00 UTC Station 3: Maintenance…