Microsoft Viva: Regional announcements for frontline workers in Viva Connections

Regional operations managers can now send targeted announcements based on additional attributes including location, job code, and department to frontline workers on a time-sensitive basis.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 383735

[When this will happen:]

Standard Release (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out early May 2024 and we expect to finish rollout by early June 2024.  

[How this will affect your organization:]

If your organization has set up the Hierarchy and Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS) configuration on Microsoft Teams and enabled the setting for Regional filtering in Microsoft Viva Connections, regional managers will be able to send out announcements targeted based on additional attributes including job, location, and department to frontline workers.

[What you need to do to prepare:]

To take advantage of attribute-based targeting based on the three properties:

  1. set up the Hierarchy and DTAS configuration on Microsoft Teams.
  2. Turn on the setting for Regional filtering. This setting is available in the section for Manage announcements in Viva Connections or on your home site.

[What you need to do to prepare:]

We recommended that you share information regarding this upcoming feature with the corporate communicators, frontline managers, and admins so they can effectively use this feature.   

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